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This is a kind of water tank which shows the loading percent.
The water bubbles are created with Actionscript. The code is commented.

There are both Flash8 and Flash CS3 source files.



Posted on 2009 Jun 15

sfsfsf svv svscv

Posted on 2009 Aug 14

Hi I tried opening the AS2 file and it didn't animate like the AS3 I didn't see a picture..Please help


Posted on 2009 Aug 15

To bodosisk: What version of flash have you opened it in ? Can you tell me more about what you were trying to achive so I can find out if it's something wrong with the file, as far as I can see the as2 version works, i've tested it.

Posted on 2009 Aug 17

Hey There,

Thank you for your response...I opened it using flash cs4. I have a project that is in AS2..I'm aready using a particle script done in as2 but wanted to add this one to it. Hwever when I brought over the as3 version it conflicted with the other one obviously..but when I opened the flash 8 version with as2 I couldn't even see the animation let alone put it into my project..

thank you again,


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Uploaded: 14 June 2009

Opens With: Flash 8 (8+)

Files Included: FLA

Size: 3kb

Action Script: AS2+AS3

Resolution: Resizable

Documentation: normal

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